
Planetary type: Earth-like world (presumed).
Region: Uncertain, probably near the Traverse on a cosmic scale.
: 70 million years (presumed).
Parent star
: single B-class star.
Natural satellites: None.
Surface gravity: Unknown, presumed close to the baseline. 
: Unknown, presumed slightly higher than baseline.
Average temperature
: Unknown, presumed similar to baseline.
Climate range
: Temperate cold to tropical hot.
Ecosystem classification
: Carbon-based, temporal-assisted panspermia.
Solar revolution length : 1,200 years.
Day length: Unknown.
Settlement Type
: Planetary civilisation.
Settlement age
: 25 years (presumed, without temporal tampering).
Population: Unknown, estimated around 4-5 million.
: Circle of Irenia.
Distance to Earth: Unknown, estimated 700-800 lightyears.

Starports: The Eye of Azur, Old Moon Point. 

1 - The planet that doesn't exist.

Space is vast.

This is a very common trope but it has to be reiterated every now and then when it comes to simple questions, such as how easy is it to lose a settled planet? 

It's trivial.

Given that it is impossible to track down a geometry drive translation from the exit point and given the astonishing number of stars in the Milky Way the location of a settled planet can remain only known to a select few. This is exactly what happened to the world of Azur. Interstellar charts mention that the planet is located somewhere "east" of the Traverse, presumably between 700 and 800 lightyears away from the Earth and within 200 lightyears of Elora. A quick napkin calculation tells me that as many as one hundred million stars are to be found in what is suspected to be the broad location of Azur. Even filtering non-B class stars still highlights about one million candidates. Azur is essentially impossible to find unless one was to meticulously track down a local ship...and they are very good at covering their tracks.

2 - The Blue Sun

Azur orbits a B-class blue giant which is almost unheard of among habitable planets. Though blue giants have a Goldilocks zone their intense radiations and very short stellar life tend to forbid the existence of life-bearing planets in their vicinity. One way or another Azur has fallen through the cracks and it is almost a certainty that human settlers are directly involved. The planet is under the control of the Circle of Irenia, a splinter of the Irenian Enclaves that was originally specialized in long-range travel. The navigators of the Circle were responsible for displacing Phi Clio station from the solar system to Alcyone and are among the most skilled geometry drive specialists in human space. According to Algorab, the Circle leveraged the paracausal properties of unshackled geometry drives to carry out a manoeuvre known as "temporal seeding", sending samples of microbes and algae in Azur's past to create a biosphere without having to wait for centuries. It is all speculation, but the Irenian Circle has publicly declared its intention to further explore the time-travel ability of geometry drives and temporal seeding has been theorized by one of their head scientists, Aramanae Talasea.

There are very few pictures of Azur itself but the planet is assumed to be an ocean world with scattered equatorial islands enjoying a hot, damp climate supporting mangrove and jungle-like vegetation, probably engineered to survive the aggressive UV exposition. The atmosphere is likely thicker than the baseline, with a very active hydrosphere and atmosphere. No moons have been reported but they might exist.

3 - The Azur Manifesto

Aside from using potentially timeline-destroying temporal seeding techniques, Azur and the Circle of Irenia are mostly known for the Azur Manifesto, a concise pamphlet-size document that outlines the social and technological project behind the colonisation of Azur. The Circle claims that their self-imposed isolation and secrecy stems from the desire to study the full implications of interstellar travel in peace and without risk for the rest of human civilisation. As much a technical document as an artistic declaration the Azur Manifesto asserts the "imperative necessity" to start considering ships and space travel in aesthetic terms, superseding the purely practical considerations of human expansion.

We will do it because we do not have to, says the last line of the manifesto, reasserting and radicalizing the hedonistic Irenian outlook on life, culture and technology. Bringing beauty and invention to the world isn't just a possibility: it is imperative for any interstellar species which is by definition detached from the mere question of survival.

In the first decade after initial settlement, Azur was only known for its art production but in the past few years, the planet has seemingly managed to develop a complex industrial-artisanal network, producing ships built around the gentle, wishbone-like shape of the iconic "Azur Arc" borrowed from the superstructures of Phi Clio station. Many communes, as well as the Starmoth Initiative, consider that the shipbuilding activity of Azur is but a front made to hide the true purpose of the settlement: manufacturing and experimenting with highly dangerous "unshackled drives", that were engineered without their built-in timeline paradox safeties.

After all, what is a better illustration of the Azur Manifesto than timeline-defying works of art?

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